*New* Crypto Unstacked Trader's Edition
Deep Dive: CoinFLEX | flexUSD - The world's first interest-bearing stablecoin?
November 20, 2020
Deep Dive: CoinFLEX | flexUSD - The world's first interest-bearing stablecoin?
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First interest-bearing stablecoin. Borrow/lending. Crypto repo market.

About the episode
Sudhu Arumugam is Chief Risk Officer at Polychain-backed CoinFLEX, the world's first physically-delivered crypto futures exchange.

Topics unstacked

- Introducing flexUSD - the world's first natively interest bearing stablecoin
- Disrupting the borrow/lend space and making it more efficient via orderbooks
- The magic of physical delivery enabling flexUSD holders to earn perp funding through CoinFLEX repo
+ more!

Website: www.coinflex.com
Telegram Group: https://t.me/coinflex_EN
Learn more about flexUSD
FlexUSD launch announcement
CoinFLEX repo market launch announcement
Sudhu’s Chat with Traders interview: https://chatwithtraders.com/ep-186-sudhu-arumugam/

Follow our Guest
Sudhu’s Telegram: @Sudhu_coinflex

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Email: contact@ambergroup.io
Website: https://www.ambergroup.io/

#CoinFLEX #flexUSD #stablecoin #CUPofCrypto #CryptoUnstacked